Monthly Business Information
During our December 2023 meeting the members present elected persons to fill leadership positions for the 2024 year as follows.
President-- Russell Allred -- KG7TMQ
Vice President -- Mike Dunn -- N7SZY
Treasurer -- Eric Suitter N7XCF
Secretary -- Donna Dunn -- N7UTL
Webmaster -- Bruce Hanks -- KK7HJE
Club Trustee -- Keith Bettridge -- AL4K
Phone Contact person is Richard Radford
May Meeting is May 8 at the Avista Building at 7PM
Shoshone County Amateur Radio Society
Scars Club Call Sign --KI7DLG
SCARS Ham Radio club meets on the 2nd Wednesday of every month at the Avista Building in Kellogg at 7 pm.
(Except December.)
The public is invited to attend and learn about Ham Radio Communication.
April Meeting will be on April 10
at 7pm at Avista Building in Kellogg